November 2017

A Boy Named Evil

A Boy Named Evil

Born into a line of super villains with ironclad power, fourteen-year-old Evil wants nothing more than to escape his legacy and give up the last name Overlord forever.

He accidentally draws the attention of the Power League–heroes working to topple the Overlord regime.

Evil’s hopes and dreams come crashing down, forcing him to choose between his mother’s gentle morals and his father’s devastating convictions.

The world refuses to give Evil a chance. What chance can Evil give the world.


Also available at: Amazon
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Sins Of The Fathers: A Super Collection Of Superhero Stories

It is a pleasure to report that my short novel A Boy Named Evil, Ultrahumans has been collected into the Sins Of The Fathers Bundle.

Time passes. Teenage sidekicks grow up. Heroes and villains settle down and start families.

The bundle is themed around the next generation of kids taking over the family superhero/villain business. Stories about people in masks and how they interact with the youngsters coming along, rather than just inter-generational family drama. Superheroes make everything crazier.

Does the hero retire gracefully and let the teen sidekick take over the name and costume? Did the children of a supervillain join the family business, or become heroes and work to thwart their own parental units?

What happens, when ties of family intersect and tangle with ties of crime-fighting?

Table of Contents:
— “Hunted” by Annie Reed
— “Expectations” by Blaze Ward
— “T-Minus Zero Plus Forever” by Ron Collins & John C. Bodin
— “Bamboo and Pine” by Leah Cutter
— “Not-So-Fortunate Son” by Robert Jeschonek
— “A Boy Named Evil, Ultrahumans” by Ezekiel James Boston
— “Cops and Fathers” by M. L. Buchman
— “Ella Saves the World” by Rebecca M. Senese
— “No Money in Heroism” by Stefon Mears
— “The Fantabulous Flying Cupcakes of Terror-Missed-You” by Louisa Swann

Over 550 pages of super-powered fiction!

You can pick up the bundle from: Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Barnes & Nobel, and BundleRabbit.

Sins of The Fathers

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