Google Slides Test
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Sixty-year veteran superhero Tamiko Miller—known worldwide for her elasticity—never thought she’d be suspended from hero work. All because of the recent militarized uniform policies.
On administrative leave, Tamiko treats it as a vacation. Relaxing with a strawberry margarita in Miami, a speeding, physics-defying van screeches plumes of smoke as it drifts onto Flagler Street. Heading her way.
Tamiko knows intervening in her old uniform will likely get her fired forfeiting her pension. Memos never explained why the new uniforms were so important and the true reason lies deeper than she dares snoop with her telepathy.
Preventing harm must be more important than outfits.
The van speeds toward her.
She must act.
When integrity becomes old-fashioned, only true heroes spring into action. Join Tamiko as she proves principles and values are needed in these dark times now more than ever.
Novel | A Hero Named Pearl, Ultrahumans Read More »
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If you can read this, HELP! I’m stuck in this mother f’n children’s game and I can’t find a way out.
Every time I die, I restart in the f’n towns quare with only vague chopped up memories of my past runs. The game keeps track, but clues are few and far between. If you—
**Thinking hard, Tyrone stood at Blue Town’s fountain.**
Oh no…not again! Please, for all that’s holy, unplug this game. I can’t escape. I can’t die. I can’t cuss. This is Hel—
While this latest novel is slated to be my July 5th release, I figured I’d better get it up so July 4th can be worry free.
Please note, this book will only be available through August 4th when it goes exclusive to Amazon. It will return to this site on December 5th.
Novel | Stuck in Mother Faboinging Flower Land Read More »
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Being immortal, Jamal always has trouble keeping friends. Most times it seems like he just gets to know someone when then hit their expiration date. They shuffle off to whatever is after life, leaving him scratching his head.
Only this time, after being buried, his friend Newt–a non-binary skeleton–rose from the dead with a problem. A former lover and necromancer had stolen Newt’s heart from his grave.
Jamal agrees to retrieve the heart. And runs into his own brand of trouble. The kind that could end him.
Short Story | Jamal & the Skeleton’s Heart Read More »
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After a fight with another know-nothing commanding officer, John Snider finds himself reassigned into the real deep shit. During the Viet Nam war, joining up with any advanced forward unit promised death.
Thinking his troubles with commanding officers were behind him, John gladly reassigned to Boudraux’s Bad Boys. Worst decision of his military life.
To survive Viet Nam, John must first survive his unit.
Short Story | Soul Survivor Read More »
Patrons, get the story via Bookfunnel:
Tired of artificial intelligence dongles making life harder then necessary at work camps, Boudreaux signs onto the crew of the Tuscan Sun.
For the first time in his life, Boudreaux has a place to call home. Yet, life on the Tuscan Sun presents a whole new set of problems: zero gravity, a glitchy A.I., and pirates.
In order to keep the spot he earned in the Tuscan Sun’s crew, Boudreaux must overcome all three obstacles. Or die trying.
Short Story | Boudreaux & the Tuscan Sun Read More »