May 2019

Short Story | Jamal & the Skeleton’s Heart

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Being immortal, Jamal always has trouble keeping friends. Most times it seems like he just gets to know someone when then hit their expiration date. They shuffle off to whatever is after life, leaving him scratching his head.

Only this time, after being buried, his friend Newt–a non-binary skeleton–rose from the dead with a problem. A former lover and necromancer had stolen Newt’s heart from his grave.

Jamal agrees to retrieve the heart. And runs into his own brand of trouble. The kind that could end him.




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Short Story | Soul Survivor

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After a fight with another know-nothing commanding officer, John Snider finds himself reassigned into the real deep shit. During the Viet Nam war, joining up with any advanced forward unit promised death. 

Thinking his troubles with commanding officers were behind him, John gladly reassigned to Boudraux’s Bad Boys. Worst decision of his military life. 

To survive Viet Nam, John must first survive his unit.




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Short Story | Boudreaux & the Tuscan Sun

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Tired of artificial intelligence dongles making life harder then necessary at work camps, Boudreaux signs onto the crew of the Tuscan Sun. 

For the first time in his life, Boudreaux has a place to call home. Yet, life on the Tuscan Sun presents a whole new set of problems: zero gravity, a glitchy A.I., and pirates. 

In order to keep the spot he earned in the Tuscan Sun’s crew, Boudreaux must overcome all three obstacles. Or die trying.




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