
Recap + CVS Technique – Three Assassins

*Jump to the assassins: 1, 2, 3.*

At the beginning of August, I created a hidden part of this blog to use as a journal with a way to show only one entry at a time. A place where I can share a bit of myself and my journey with friends without it being readily accessible to the public.

The first post set the categories that wouldn’t be visible on the front page or the blog. My next post, on the third, was to be a welcome to the story market gauntlet that I tend to use to submit fiction — in near precise order… And this list has pretty much been untouched since its creation.

Life got hectic.

Well, work got hectic and I devoted just about every waking moment to getting the flood of work projects squared away. For the first time, my job workload overflowed into my vacation time; into my workshop time.

Without a doubt, it was my worst showing to date. Didn’t get a majority of the pre-reading done. Didn’t get the first story in. While there, received several calls about several urgent projects that needed my attention…and they got it. I missed most of the techniques. Didn’t even get to think about the novel sketches…

Yeah, bad.

Each time the fires at work seemed to be out, another project hit my email. Whack-A-Mole with high stakes and for keeps.

In the end, I completed three stories (two of which are flash) and two (and a half) techniques. Though it felt like Hell at the time, it feels like victory now.

Through the work-madness, I buckled down and wrote.

Oh, there were more projects to work on (and there still are more now), but I re-prioritized. I lifted my head from the water and cleared my vision.

I took a breath. I did a technique.

Recalling that feeling. I took the time to submit one of the workshop stories to a market. I took the time to write this post, and–since I’m sort of on a roll–I’m going to share my Character Voice and Setting technique. Any story that I might write with these character orientated openings is a ways off and will most likely be redrafted.

This particular technique marks a growing comfort with my craft.

You see, with all the learning I’ve been doing, my creative words per hour plummeted to 200. A speed much lower than at any point in my writing-life. But a speed at which I’ve been able to write fiction that (frankly) pleases me.

Though I wasn’t happy with my speed, I’ve been rather satisfied with the quality of fiction. I acknowledged the drop, but never fretted. I know myself. I knew that speed would return once I got the improved craft into my skull. Though I’ve tried to unleash my fingers, they kept plodding along and I remained content.

This workshop–this crucible–found my fingers moving at twice their formerly normal speed.

Furthermore, at this speed, the technique received better marks than the one I had sluggishly finished before work started pouring in. The assignment, simplified, was to write about three assassins each, separately, experiencing the same setting.

[ *Redacted* ]

PS. Don’t be surprised if these eventually show up for flavor text on my Inspiration posts.

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Inspiration Tuesday: Nightmare by Ian Llanas

I came across this pieces by Ian Llanas on hist page at Deviatart.com. In the description, he wrote, “Fresh portfolio piece just in time for GenCon. This was targeted specifically at M:TG. Cheers! If you have a cool name for this dude, drop it in the comments. Right now I’m going with my working title, “nightmare”, but it’s lacking I think. Thanks!”

Well, I thought I would try to give it a name. I mean, why not. Once the name came, a backstory came a-knockin’…

Name: Kuæstoroth (Ku-ahs-toe-roth), the Jealous Guardian


Before Prince Abu Patel tricked the demon Kuæstoroth into believing it could ascend, dying in your sleep—passing in peace—increased a soul’s chance of moving on to become a higher being.

A brash apprentice to a great vizier, Abu would often sneak into the Nether realms to smuggle out forlorn souls in a lantern the vizier claimed to have been in his mystic line for longer then any earthly empire.

On the mortal realm to harvest a soul, Kuæstoroth felt one of his captives in the Nether break its bonds. This had happened before, but he had always been in the Nether and the souls always made it out before Kuæstoroth could reach the edge.

Not this time. Kuæstoroth hid.

A living mortal, Abu, crawled from the Nether Rift. In his hand, a lantern, and—in the lantern—the soul Kuæstoroth captured some three years prior.

Kuæstoroth fell on Abu before the man could raise any defenses.

To save his own life, Abu shared how he would take the soul in the lantern into the Ether Rift where he would be exalted for his deeds.

Kuæstoroth eye’s blazed when Abu said, “Anyone bringing a soul from the Nether is offered a chance to ascend.” Abu bartered for his life. He gave Kuæstoroth the lantern and guided the demon to an Ether Rift. Kuæstoroth let Abu live.

Everything Abu said seemed true. Believing he would either become a more perfect demon, or be set loose inside the gates of heaven to wreak havoc, Kuæstoroth leapt in.

There, bathed in Light from above, searing pain peeled his skin away from his muscles, agony unraveled his muscles from his bones, and his bones disintegrated. Everything went dark. The lantern—

The lantern glowed.

The lantern…was still in his hand.

Awareness of his other hands came to Kuæstoroth. He explored what remained of himself only to find his skull, horns, and rib cage.

Days passed in the darkness before The Light from above lit again.

Kuæstoroth flinched away, but this time The Light didn’t bring pain. It lit a soul far below him rising from a colorful dream-land. Coming up through the darkness to The Light.

Upon closing, the soul shrank from Kuæstoroth.

Extending the lantern, Kuæstoroth reached out to capture it. “If I cannot ascend, neither will you.”

Once in the lantern, Kuæstoroth understood the being he capture had passed in her sleep. While she hadn’t been perfect, she had been good. She hadn’t been chaste, but she’d been clean enough. She had earned passage into above, and her promised eternity would be spent in his lantern instead of The Light.

Thousands of souls and seven decades later, Kuæstoroth met Abu for a second, and final, time.

© Ezekiel James Boston

While Ian enjoyed my quick draft, he didn’t adopt the name. Too bad. Would’ve been pretty cool.

©2014-2015 ianllanas
You can find more by Ian Llanas at:

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Inspiration Tuesday: The Den by Jonas De Ro

When compared to the other art I’ve feature during Inspiration Tuesday, this piece (The Den) by Jonas De Ro seems kind of bland. However, there was nothing bland about the hacker/activist scene that I set here.

Inspiration removed for use in my fiction. Sorry. –EJ–

©2014 www.jonasdero.be
You can find more by Jonas De Ro at:

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Inspiration Tuesday: Blood Magic… by Nebezial

I sat down to write a bit more about Carmen, Xul, and their adventuring gang. Given that they would be heading toward an area once ruled by undead, I started to give thought to what kind of problems they would run into there.

Once ruled by undead lends itself to “no longer ruled by undead.” Besides, there probably wouldn’t be much in the way of surprise for the adventures if they got there and *mock gasp* they have to fight vampires, mummies, or what-undead-have-you.

Browsing for inspiration, I cam across this piece by Nebezial aptly titled Blood Magic (or So I Started Drawing a Head).

Yes. This is the kind of baddie I’d been looking for. Something that is physically akin to vampires with blood, and magic, and a dragon. A caster without fangs, but with obvious bite.

This fantasy world is starting to flesh itself out nicely, and is getting really fun to practice in.

©2013-2015 nebezial
You can fine more by Nebezial at:

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Inspiration Tuesday: Greed by JasonTN

Last November I saw a piece that inspired me to write about Carmen. In writing about her, I imagined a group of adventures that she had banded together to brave perilous dungeons for riches.

This art by JasonTN pulled that party of adventures right back to mind as this looks exactly like the kind of treasure room that they would doggedly try to find the location of and–naturally–go.

Oh, as a forewarning, this one got away from me.


Xul chewed what remained of his portion of sage rabbit with rapidity as he settled down cross-legged upon the oak stump in the clearing where the group had set camp. He wiped the tasty grease from his lips with the back of his hand.

With care only reserved for priceless scrolls, Xul opened the narrow tome covered in crushed maroon velvet. Gently working his usual marker ribbon, the aged vellum pages parted to where he had last left off. “Ah, here.” As though the others sat around the stump could see, Xul pointed to where he had left off on the page of ancient Rak’ri text blocks. “The Chalice of Life…


And so King Arnac, now the Master of the land to which he had been born a peasant, Ruler of an empire that spanned all known realms hemmed in by the oceans, snatched up the Chalice of Life with his right hand for his left held the power unequalled Orb of Time. Deftly, working the Chalice–the ruby encrusted, beaten bronze heirloom of the Dragon Slayers riveted with gold–with quick thrusts as though it were a living dagger trying to stab at his heart, King Arnac kept the tiniest of droplets from breaching the wide brim. The sun danced on this golden breastplate as his ghost dragon mail whispered promises of death into the minds of those bearing witness to the great King’s legerity only found in the ancient–believed ended–linage of the Twok Fire-Sword Giant-Fist, the Grim Wyrm Slayer.

The sun had all but left the sky before he quelled and controlled the very Chalice of Life said to contain the last remaining crimson of the thrice cursed Grim Wyrm. Then, and only then, did he allow himself to take rest in the great oak throne of the vanquished Master Vampire to wait for the coming dark. Those subjects bold enough to stay to see if the threat from the grave had truly been ended took up positions behind the mighty throne. The bare few there took up totem and performed rituals said to ward off the undead — rituals that no one had ever lived to lend credence to. With shaking knees and quivering lips, Arnac’s soon-to-be Ten Dukes waited.

When the sun had gone beyond the ocean, and all the formerly subjugated vampires rose, they found their minds and actions unhampered by the sole will controlling them for so long. Greedy as only goblins were thought to be, the ivory skinned dead rushed to the throne room to establish their new master. There, they found King Arnac with the Chalice of Life in hand, waiting for them; for it was the Chalice of Life, not the will of the Master Vampire, that held sway over them. Undead as witness, the King told his Ten Dukes to take one of his then daggers back to his realm and stake out the land they would real in his stead. The King then set vampires will for them. Tirelessly, as only the dead can be, they had spent the following months of nights spreading word of the King’s decree while retreating all of the riches they had amassed through their curse-extended lives. Then, once their coffers were empty, King Arnac had the vampires wait with him to greet the sun.

Decades later the last of the Ten Dukes, old and infirm, returned to the throne room with the ten daggers to ask who should be heir to the one realm that had been broken into ten and, because of time, had become one again. The Last True Duke said he did not see movement in the Kings resplendent armor. He did not see eyes or a mouth in the King’s Helm, yet, he heard Arnac’s voice as clearly as the armor’s threats almost a lifetime ago. The King commanded The Last True Duke to return the daggers to their realms. Anyone who could hold one of the daggers without everyone wanting to kill them would become the new Duke and, so then, the dagger and title should be passed on. The Last Duke did as the King commanded adding that the King had renounced his title. Arnac, the peasant, will sit upon the Dead Throne among blood, time, dust, and gold waiting until the ten realms–once again–needs his help and ultimate guidance.


A shiver ran up Xul’s spine breaking the words spellbinding effect. The night’s chill had crept on him, yet that wasn’t what shook him. Kelmer, the barbarian who never met a book he liked, held his lantern over Xul’s shoulder. Again fear, not cold, racked him. Had the big man finally listened to a story? Worse, did he also know? If so, could they keep it between them?

The barrel chested man shirked off one of his furs and draped it over Xul. “Those Rak’ri scholars-folk sure do know how to tell boring stories.” Kelmer raised the lamp to show the rest of the party fast asleep. “No fighting.” Kelmer grunted his disgust. “And no blood besides what was in that dumb blood-cup thing. And even that didn’t spill nothin’.”

Xul pulled the prickly fur tight. “I know and–“

Tapping his dagger, Kelmer raised his voice just loud enough to overpower Xul, but not so loud as to rouse their companions. “How about we put that little, stupid, old book away for tonight?”

Xul nodded and did. That tapping motion of Kelmer’s had proceeded several books being ripped from Xul’s hands before the musclebound dolt destroyed them.

Kelmer stalked off to patrol.

The fur helped Xul’s body, but did nothing for the icy chill building deep in his core. This tale held the last clue. King Arnac’s final resting place was on the Master Vampire’s throne. Xul fished his maproll out, flipped to Hembe’s overview, and let his eyes lock on the desolate Black Cliffs.

Xul spoke to himself. “Has to be. It’s the only place that would fit the various references to tales of the undead holding land.” Xul bit his lip. If he told his friends, they’d all want to go. Xul whispered the rest of his thought, “But King Arnac isn’t dead and resting. He’s waiting.”

© Ezekiel James Boston

©2013-2015 JasonTN

Jason asked for three other pieces to be previewed here and–least to say–I’m absolutely thrilled to comply.

05--zzangel_knight_by_nosaj7541-d81fe9q 05--zzspin_by_nosaj7541-d7r29v8 05--zzangel_of_time_by_nosaj7541-d6ke50w 

The title of these pieces are: Angel Knight, Spin, and Angel of Time. You can find a whole lot more by JasonTN at:

Inspiration Tuesday: Greed by JasonTN Read More »

Inspiration Tuesday: The Smoking Hedgehog by shende-bende

So I have a writer-friend who thoroughly enjoys Lewis Carroll’s Alice tales. This smoking hedgehog, not to be confused with a hookah smoking caterpillar, looks like it could be right at home in that universe. Well, not there precisely, but somewhere in my imagination that is not very far from there.


Drawing a puff of the delectable seven-leaf Wonderland blend, Germaine clamped down lightly on her lucite pipe stem and smacked her lips around it. First drag in. Nodding appreciatively at the subtle larkspur undertones, she almost smiled at the tendrils of rainbow smoke braiding themselves.

Shortly after leaving Wonderland, she cultivated a sense of time. Never–in the decades since–had she missed the land more.


There were colors. Powerfully radiant colors that could almost reach out and poke you in the eye and, if you weren’t careful about it, would. …not that anything unwelcomed could ever get through her spectacles. There, Germaine’s glasses kept her from becoming lost in the aching beauty of everything.


Here in the silent Blandlands, color proved to be the most elusive of creatures. The wide prairies of crabgrass that ran out into the featureless horizon beneath the equally drab sky? Cold shades of light gray. The rare paperback maple trees peelings had the most range with their somber medium gradient deepening to charcoal in the pockets of shadow.

Germaine had search far and long to find a spot to place her home.

Eventually, when all of the color faded, the house just stopped walking and settled down among a patch of trees. She–for her part–took out her stool and simply sat to wait for the house to raise back up.

She puffed again. Had it really been decades?

The tendrils of rainbow smoke, in typical Wonderland fashion, curled and bent to form a cursive answer. Yes.

Thinking back on the fast-talking traveling salesman in his disheveled hundred dollar suit–the one who foisted this amazingly fine tobacco on her–Germaine caught a kiss of color. Where the smoke had ran across her snout, the pink and lavender of the fur there had returned.

© Ezekiel James Boston

©2013-2015 shende-bende
You can fine more by shende-bende at:

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Inspiration Tuesday: Pirates Age Card by Clinton Felker

I recently wrote a short story about an islander taken as a slave to a city on the edge of a large continent. While the tale did well as a stand-alone, I’ve wanted to do more with the character. Just to be clear, I don’t mean as a sequel to the resolved storyline.

You know, just another adventure in the same lifetime.

Since the character wouldn’t leave me alone, I figured it will happen sooner or later and this piece by Clinton Felker has provided just enough of a hint about the possible story that I’m starting to feel a little excited. Not enough to write quite yet, but enough excitement for the concept to start gaining weight. Something about a cursed ship or a ghost ship…

Not enough just yet. Plus, I’ll have to research nautical terms and actual boats to learn what kind of “ship” it was in its former life.

©2014 cgfelker
You can fine more by Clinton Felker at:

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Inspiration Tuesday: Mogmurch by Ian Llanas

In scanning around, like I do, I went back to see what else Ian Llanas has and found several excellent works that characterized goblins. I’ve always had a soft spot for goblins. Not so much a “Hey, I want to play in a PC goblin campaign.” More of a “Boy do I have a campaign for you guys…”

This little guy speaks volumes to me. A coming-of-age competition among want-to-be goblin bombers. Several goblins juggle bombs to show they’ve got what it takes to handle booms and this fella is wearing his lucky human-skull cap. And that’s not all. Something about one of the competitors out shining him several times in the past; including a particularly embarrassing episode during his very first pairing ritual.

I’m actually a bit fearful to start a character piece on this one for it might not let me stop until the novel is done. And, sadly, I don’t have time for that right now.


©2014 Ian Llanas
You can find more by Ian Llanas at:

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Samhain Shenanigans

The Adventures of Benjamin Baxter
Samhain Shenanigans

After the strange events on his birthday, Benjamin Baxter finds his magic growing at an alarming rate. With the surge, the dark energy within him becomes even harder to control.

Putting his recent struggles behind him, Ben takes his school faire winnings to the local Samhain festival to unwind.

To his surprise, he makes new friends, gains new enemies, and gets way more than he bargained for.


Got it free or at a discount and would
like to make up the difference?

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